Sweet broom plant for sale
Sweet broom plant for sale

sweet broom plant for sale

Lycopus americanus (bugle-weed, water-horehound) Ludwigia peploides (water primrose, verdolaga de agua) Lithospermum incisum (fringed puccoon, narrow-leaved puccoon) Lithospermum caroliniense (hairy puccoon, hispid gromwell) Liatris pycnostachya (prairie blazing star, gayfeather)

sweet broom plant for sale

Liatris punctata (dotted blazing star, gayfeather) Liatris mucronata (narrow-leaf gayfeather) Liatris aspera (rough blazing star, gayfeather)

sweet broom plant for sale

Lespedeza capitata (roundheaded bush clover) Heliopsis helianthoides (ox-eye sunflower, false sunflower) Helianthus simulans (narrow-leaved sunflower, swamp sunflower)

sweet broom plant for sale

Helianthus maximiliani (Maximilian sunflower) Hedysarum boreale (sweet vetch, sweet broom) bipinnatifida (prairie verbena, Dakota vervain) Geranium maculatum (wild geranium, cranesbill) Galium triflorum (sweet-scented bedstraw) Gaillardia pinnatifida (yellow gaillardia, blanket flower) virescens (prairie larkspur)ĭesmodium canadense (Canada tick-trefoil, Canada tickclover)ĭesmodium illinoense (Illinois tick-trefoil, Illinois tickclover)Įchinacea angustifolia (narrow-leaved purple coneflower, black Samson)Įchinacea pallida (pale purple coneflower)Įngelmannia pinnatifida (Engelmann daisy)Įrigeron philadelphicus (Philadelphia fleabane)Įryngium yuccifolium (rattlesnake master, button snake-root)Įrythronium americanum (eastern trout lily, yellow trout lily)Įuthamia graminifolia var. macrophylla (cream false indigo, plains wild indigo)Ĭallirhoe involucrata (purple poppy mallow, winecup)Ĭalylophus berlandieri (square-bud primrose, sundrops)Ĭastilleja sessiliflora (downy painted cup)Ĭlaytonia virginica (narrow-leaved spring beauty)Ĭooperia drummondii (rain lily, prairie lily)Ĭoreopsis lanceolata (lance-leaved coreopsis)ĭelphinium carolinianum ssp. altissima (white snakeroot)Īnemone caroliniana (Carolina anemone, southern thimbleweed)Īnemone cylindrica (thimbleweed, candle anemone)Īnemone virginiana (thimbleweed, tall anemone)Īrisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit, Indian turnip)Īrtemisia ludoviciana (white sage, prairie sage, artemisia)Īsclepias verticillata (whorled milkweed)Īster ericoides (heath aster, white wreath aster)Īstragalus canadensis (milk vetch, Canada milk vetch)īaptisia alba var. Xanthisma texanum (sleepy daisy) Forbs (perennials)Īgeratina altissima var. Teucrium laciniatum (dwarf germander, cutleaf germander) Senecio plattensis (prairie ragwort, prairie groundsel) Sabatia campestris (prairie rose gentian, prairie sabatia, meadow pink) Oenothera rhombipetala (diamond-petal primrose, four-point evening primrose) Oenothera biennis (common evening primrose) Oenothera albicaulis (pale evening primrose) Monarda citriodora (horsemint, lemon beebalm, lemon mint) Machaeranthera tanacetifolia (tahoka daisy, tansy aster) Lesquerella gordonii (Gordon's bladderpod) Ipomopsis longiflora (white-flowered gilia) Glandularia canadensis (rose vervain, sweet William) Gaillardia pulchella (Indian blanket, firewheel) mexicana (Mexican gold poppy)Įuphorbia marginata (snow-on-the-mountain)Įustoma russellianum (prairie or catchfly gentian, Texas bluebell) Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas fern) Forbs (annuals/biennials)Ĭleome serrulata (Rocky Mountain beeplant)Ĭoreopsis tinctoria (tickseed, goldenwave, plains coreopsis, calliopsis)ĭracopsis amplexicaulis (clasping leaf coneflower)Įrigeron bellidiastrum (western fleabane)Įryngium leavenworthii (Leavenworth eryngo)Įschscholzia californica ssp. Phegopteris hexagonoptera (broad beech fern) Onoclea sensibilis (sensitive fern, bead fern) Opuntia macrorhiza (common prickly pear) FernsĪdiantum capillus-veneris (southern maidenhair fern)Īdiantum pedatum (northern maidenhair fern)Īsplenium trichomanes (maidenhair spleenwort)īotrychium virginianum (rattlesnake fern)ĭryopteris marginalis (marginal wood fern) Opuntia imbricata (tree cholla, walkingstick cholla) Native Plants for Landscape Use in Oklahoma Cacti Published by the author, for sale by the Student Union Bookstore, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078. Keys to the Flora of Oklahoma, 5th Edition. Herbarium, Southeastern Oklahoma State University. An Annotated List of Ferns, Fern Allies, Gymnosperms, and Flowering Plants of Oklahoma. (Dominant plant species present in each vegetation type are listed in Appendix C)Ģ1 Juniper-Pinyon Woodland (Juniperus-Pinus)ĥ8 Grama-Buffalo Grass (Bouteloua-Buchloe)Ħ2 Bluestem-Grama Prairie (Andropogon Bouteloua)Ħ3 Sandsage-Bluestem Prairie (Artemisia-Andropogon)Ħ6 Bluestem Prairie (Andropogon-Panicum-Sorghastrum)Ħ7 Sandhills Prairie (Andropogon-Calamovilfa)ħ3 Mosaic of 66 (Bluestem Prairie) and 91 (Oak-Hickory Forest)ġ01 Oak-Hickory-Pine Forest (Quercus-Carya-Pinus)ġ03 Southern Floodplain Forest (Quercus Nyssa-Taxodium) Botanical Experts State Plant Listings Oklahoma Vegetation References

Sweet broom plant for sale